Unearthed: Antoni Malinowski
Unearthed: archeolagists drawing of the studios prior to demolition, James Dixon
Unearthed: cabinets detail
Unearthed: detail of frottage of studio shelves, Aude Herail Jager
Unearthed: Emma Williams
Unearthed: Fiana Rae
Unearthed: frottage of entire Carpenters Road studio floor, Aude Herail Jager
Unearthed: general view, Jonathan Waller in foreground
Unearthed: general view, John Plowman in the foreground
Unearthed: Graham Seaton
Unearthed: John Hooper
Unearthed: Jonathan Waller, Graham Seaton, Kate Davis, Roger Kite [left to right]
Unearthed: Kate Allen
Unearthed: Louise Cattrell, Jonathan Waller
Unearthed: Paul Rosenbloom
Unearthed: portrait of Lloyd the site caretaker, Patricia Barker
Unearthed: projections
Unearthed: Robert Welsh
Unearthed: Roger Kite
Unearthed: Simon English
Unearthed: Simon Stringer, bronze casting at Carpenters Road Studio
Unearthed: Sue Kennington
Unearthed: Susie Hamilton, Anton Malinowski, Fiona Rae, David Oates
Unearthed: Carpenters Road architects drawings
Unearthed: Acme Studio archival images and artist films
Unearthed: cabinet detail, Clare Woods, Robert Welsh
Unearthed: cabinet detail, Kay Bainbridge
Unearthed: cabinet detail
Unearthed: general view
Unearthed: installation, David Johnston
Unearthed: projections
Unearthed: Roger Kite left, Tim Smare right